Oh, finally. Chapter 113 had to be cursed or something. Volume 10 will come soon as well.
Pokemon Special vol 9 (IF)
Pokemon Special vol 9 (MU)
Here's the group page on MU, by the way. I hope you guys won't mind if I listed the releases as joint releases.
MU: "The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable."
ReplyDeletenvm it's working now
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you very much~ *goes to download*
ReplyDeleteI wish I could help with this, but unfortunately I have no time. I'll be the one who comments on every single post, though :)
Where can I find the previous volume?
ReplyDeleteI want to read the GSC arc form the start...
My upload speed is shitty right now, so I'll wait till tomorrow to reupload the DGS volumes.
ReplyDeleteok a/non. thx a lot :). waiting for the upload now. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you :D
ReplyDeleteDragon Guard is back and releasing again starting with vol 9. we will be doing up to vol 32 where anon scans began
ReplyDelete-Zephray, DGS